Project Cargo

Services Details

Pros Logistics has differentiated project logistics competitiveness based on its ultra-heavy cargo transport capacity, consulting capabilities, and its own overseas networks.

  • We have transportation knowledge about various machines, equipment, and materials used for plant construction.
  • We provide safe on-time delivery services by securing optimal ships and flights according to cargo types.
  • We deliver cargo inland through services, such as prior survey, route investigation, obstacle survey transport simulation, and special vehicle delivery.
  • We propose safe transportation methods by investigating the customs, laws, and practices of destination countries.
  • We conduct local tax exemption and reduction customs clearance work and provide comprehensive consulting services that cover trade / logistics services, such as L/C, C/O, and embassy certification.
  • In connection with its overseas networks, we provide systemized comprehensive logistics services ranging from transport planning (from cargo dispatch to arrival in job sites) to follow-up management.